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Linux Solution Certified Solaris User

Linux Solution Certified Solaris User

Linux Solution Certified Solaris User


This course provides instruction in the key features and capabilities of Sun’s flagship Solaris 10 OS. Topics include file and directory management, controlling the user work environment, archiving files, and using remote commands. In addition, you will learn fundamental command-line features of the Solaris OS, including file system navigation, the vi text editor, file permissions, access control lists (ACLs), command shells, file compression, basic network use, and reading shell scripts. This course prepares you to take the Sun Certified Solaris Associate (SCSAS) Exam.

Certification Details

User-level experience with any computer system, use of mouse, use of menus, use of any desktop or window-based application on any operating system.
Anyone who is beginning to explore the Linux OS from basics for the purpose of using the system for learning to use the bash shell utilities and exploring the desktop for better productivity.

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